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Sculptures of human figures made from driftwood by Nagato Iwasaki
(Via RedLipstick Resurrected)
Noted by Lx Leckford .Laid-Back Camp (also called Yurucamp) is a Japanese anime series about friends who go camping in extremely civilized campsites with splendid views of Mt Fuji. This mellow series is about learning new skills, making friends, and the joy of doing things together and the satisfaction of going it alone.
Tsurune is a Japanese anime about a school kyūdō (Japanese archery) club, with all the usual things a sports anime has,— except that kyūdō players shoot in silence, sothat instead of the usual primal-scream-final-desperate-strike-at-goal nonsense we get beautifully animated scenes of quiet splendour.
Crunchyroll has the first season and a bonus extra episode.